Blog 1: Secret Student – Indovina chi sono….?

Indovina chi

When writing your blogs, always start off with a cordial introductory word or phrase to introduce yourself to your classmates (one sentence)
Ciao mi chiamo secretstudent100, come stai? (only use your secretstudent# – not your real name)
Buon giorno, mi chiamo xxxx e tu?

Sono molto lieto di conoscerla….

BODY of the Blog:
Write 4-6 sentences about yourself to introduce a bit about using the ‘raccontami’ tell me about questions….use as many vocabulary words as you can to see the questions below to help you think of topics to include.
Insert some Italian vocabulary of words that you might find interesting to include as well.
(no translation, you can use English and some Italian depending on your language development).
Use the following topics for the body of your blog….you will be applying and practice using the vocabulary you learn from the class handouts in Week 1 and Week 2. The grading will reflect on how well you use the new expressions, vocabulary and grammar (personal pronouns/verbo stare). 

Raccontami… – Tell me…
del tuo lavoro preferito – about your favorite job
qualcosa sulla tua famiglia – something about your family
della tua vacanza preferita – about your favorite vacation
del tuo migliore amico / della tua migliore amica – about your best friend (masculine) / your best friend (feminine)
del tuo libro / film preferito. – about your favorite book / movie

End your letter with one or more of the following:

con affetto
un bacione ( a big kiss)
un forte abbraccio (a “strong” hug)
tanti saluti
Grade: 5 marks

Reply to a minimum of 3 blog posts.
When you reply to your classmates’ blogs, always start off by including your secretstudent name and salutation…..You can also ask more questions to each other….
Do not write single words or one question. Instead, try to engage in an online discussion in Italian/English to find out more about each other.  No translation aids.
Bonus marks for more than 5 reply posts.
Grade: 10 marks

Due Date: Sunday January 24 @11:00p.m.

Post your blog post between Monday-Friday, but continue to reply to your classmates’s blogs until the due date.



129 thoughts on “Blog 1: Secret Student – Indovina chi sono….?

  1. Ciao! Io m chiamo secretstudent13, come stai? Io so studiano il programmo di business a scene e sono in my 4th semester. Il mei genitori sono nati in Italia, il mio padre e nato a Molise e il mia mama e nata a Calabria! Ma io sono nata qui in Canada! Io ho 19 anni. Io parlo Italiano ma parlo dialetto calabrese, ho imparato dei e mei nonni. I love hanging out with e mei amiche. Io lavoro a un negozio a Vaughan Mills e si chiama Garage. Mi piace a giochiare pallone con mio fratello.

    Un bacione!

  2. Salve a tutti, Buonasera. Io sono Secretstudent19. Come stai? Piacere di conoscervi. Sto ventiuno years old e studiando Computer Systems Technology a Seneca College. This is my 2nd semester as an international student nel Seneca. Io ho due sisters. I grew interest in Italy after aunt moved there with her famiglia. Ever since I wanted to study about Italy and learn the language italiano. Sto really excited about this course.
    Ciao, ci vediamo!

    • Ciao secretstudent19, io sto bene grazie. Piacere anche a voi! Wow computer systems e molto difficile no? A quale provincia abete la tua zia?


  3. Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo secretstudent7, come stai? Io sono an international student in Canada. Io sto in Police Foundations program at Seneca and this is my last semester. Io chose this course because I always wanted to learn italiano e io really like la cultura italiana. Io have already visitato Italia many anni ago. Io andato in Venezia, Firenze e Roma in that trip. It was molto bellissimo e io want to go back as soon as this whole pandemic ends. Also, since I speak Spanish, italiano is way more manageable and it is un piacere to learn a new language that shares so many similitarities with il mio language.
    Ci vediamo!

    • Buonasera secretstudent7. Mi chiamo secretstudent6 sto molto bene, grazie. Y tu? That’s amazing that your doing police foundation, what do you piace the most of it? That sound like an amazing trip, how long did you go for? What part of the world are you from? And I can agree that its more manageable known Spanish, its very similar. Also quand’e il tuo compleanno?
      Un forte abbraccio e a presto,

    • Ciao secretstudent7, Io sono Secretstudent19. Sto molto bene, grazie. Come va? I am also an international student and I too like the Italian culture. Italy è una bellissima country. I too want to visit there and explore the belle citta.

  4. Ciao secretstudent12. Come va? Mi chiamo secretstudent 5. I had something similar when i was in Canada. The work and the study take us all the free time to explore. Where are you from? Raccontami della tua vacanza preferita? Ci vediamo più tardi

    Un forte abbraccio,

  5. Buonasera a tutti. Mi chiamo secretstudent5. Come va? I am from Brazil i sto studiando Computer Programm in Seneca College. Sto in mio ultimo term. Il mio piano is to work as software developer nel futuro. La mia passione è viaggi. I have been living abroad in other ocasions, like in central america for uno anno. A presto!

    Un forte abbraccio,

    • Buonasera secret student5! Mi chiamo secretstudent7! Io sto molto bene, e tu? Il tuo futuro lavoro e molto incredibile! There is a lot of opportunities and money in that. Do you have any other viaggi planned? Io love viaggi too! Io sto studiando from mia casa in my home country, which is right next to yours. Can you guess which one it is?

      A presto,

    • Ciao secretstudent5, come stai? Mi chiami secretstudent6 e sto molto bene. What’s your favourite part of the program? Are you happ to be almost done being in tu stai ultimo term? A can agree cento % with tu on passino è viaggi. Where did you vivere abroad in central america. Raccontami della tua vacanza preferita.
      A presto!
      Un forte abbraccio, secretstudent6

  6. Ciao a tutti, sono secretstudent17. Como state vuoi?
    I was born in Brazil and ho trentadue anni. Sto in mio third semester at Seneca college studiando Business Marketing. Sto in Canada for almost uno anno and a half. I like to viaggiare and I’ve been in Italia due times so I decided to studiare la lingua italiana at Seneca, è una eccellente opportunità to know more about Italia, storia e cultura. I also love to cuccinare. My favorite food è la italiana. La pasta, pizza, gelato i vino sono delicious.

    A dopo.
    Un forte abbracio,
    Srcretstudent 17.

    • Ciao secretstudent17. Come va? Mi chiamo secretstudent 5. Very interesting your story. I got curious to know, what part of Brazil are you from? Since you love traveling, raccontami della tua vacanza preferita. Presto!

      Un forte abbracio.
      Secretstudent 5

  7. Buonasera a tutti. Mi chiamo secretstudent8. Come va? io sto ventidue. Io sto studiando Disegno Grafico at Seneca. This my 5th semester. I am from a Southeast Asia nazione. I have uno gatto which I addopted in a shelter and he is sette years old. Which mean trenta­cinque years old in human’s age! Raccontami about your animale domestico preferito?



    • Ciao secretstudent8 (otto), mi chiamo secretstudent 30 (trenta). Io sto bene, grazie. Io think Disegno Grafico is really cool, mio cugino e studiano too. Io amo animale, il mio animale domestico preferito e un cane. It was very nice talk a te.

      Secretstudent30 (trenta)

      • Ciao secretstudent30. I also have uno poddle cane back in my nazione. I really miss him right now. It’s has been due anni since our last meet.
        A presto!

    • Buonasera secretstudent8. Io sono secretstudent7. Bene, e tu? Io ho tre cani, which I also adopted in a shelter. You told me that you are studiando Disegno Grafico, do you have any lavoro preferito for il tuo futuro?

      A presto!

    • Buonasera secretstudent8, io sono Secretstudent19. Sto bene. Nice to hear about your gatto. Si preferisco il cane more than il gatto but we have religious restriction so I cannot adopt un cane anyways. I might get il gatto oneday.
      A presto

  8. Ciao! Mi chiamo secretstudent12. Piacrere di conoscreti! Io sto bene. Come stanno tutti a casa?
    Sto studiando Accounting a Seneca in fourth semester. Io have many hobbits like watching movies or TV series. an Amercian TV series, Bridgerton, attracted me. Tu can find it in Netflix. Io sto enjoying traditional British clothing and architecture inside. Io sto a gatto (cat) lover. I have a cute Siamese cat, and lui sta two years old. Io sto excited that Io will have the secondo gatto prossino mese (next month). She is a ragdoll kitten. Hai animali? Preferisci il cane o il gatto?
    Hope I can hear about you soon. A presto!

    • Ciao secretstudent12. Mi chiamo secreetstudent8. Come va? I also have uno gatto. il suo nome è Gia which mean God Is Gracious in Italian culture. Because of old age he is not very active. How about yours?

      A presto!

      • Ciao! secretstudent8. Io sono secretstudent12. Molto bene, grazie! Sorry for my late reply to your message, because these days I am so busy. I am very happy that you like gatto and you have one. I like his name! My gatto is very young and very active. lol He always like running and playing. I hope your gatto is getting healthier! I totally think you are a good host!

        A presto!

    • Ciao secretstudent12. Come va? Mi chiamo secretstudent 5. I also love cats. When i was a child i had one. Qual é il nome del tuo gatto? Preferisci il cane o il gatto? Preferisco il cane. A presto!

      Un forte abbraccio,

      Un forte abbracio.
      Secretstudent 5

      • Ciao! secretstudent5. Mi chiamo secretstudent12. Sto bene, grazie! My gatto, si chiama Kiwi. You said you like il cane. Hai cane?

        A presto!
        secretstudent 12

    • Ciao Secretstudent12. Piacere. Lockdown and stay at home is cosi cosi. I like being outside more. No, Non ho animali. I feed a street gatto in India years ago. I would love to hear more about you. Poi raccontarmi da dove sei? qual cittá? Which language è la tua preferita?
      Arrivaderci !!
      secretstudent 21

      • Ciao! secretstudent 21. Come sta? Compared to staying at home, I also like the outdoors, but now you know we cannot, it is not safe outside. Sei una persona gentile, you feed a street gatto! Io preferisco italiano, although I can speak little. LoL. E tu? quale lingua preferisci?

        Secretdent 12

  9. 22 gennaio, 2021
    Ciao, mi chiamo is secretstudent14. I am studying in the fourth semestre of the Paralegal program. I like travelling very much. I am fascinated by natura and the storici places of different countries. I have been fond of Italy since childhood and have always wanted to study the culture and history of Italy. That’s why I decided to use this chance to learn the Italian language. I really hope that soon I will be able to speak in good Italian.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you. A presto.
    Un forte abbraccio.

    • Salve secretstudent14! Io sono secretstudent12. Come va? I also like travelling, you know go to different counties and to enjoy different sceneries. It is wonderful! can I ask you a question? Qual e il tuo country or city preferita?
      Ci vediamo a presto!

    • Ciao, secretstudent14. Come stai?

      Sono secret student 17. I also like viaggiare tantissimo, to know different countries and cultures. Raccontami della tua vacanza preferita?
      Where are you from?

      A presto!
      Secretstudent 17

  10. Il ventidue di gennaio, 2021
    Buonsera! Io mi chiamo secretstudent6. Piacere di conoscerti!
    Come stai? Io sto studiando Flight strives and cabin management at Seneca college in my third semester currently. È mio famiglia are from El Salvador, so I can speak Spanish. Mi piace molte viaggiare, even though I haven’t viaggiare a lot. Il mio compleanno è otto luglio e now ho ventuno’anni. I wanted to learn Italian so I could expand my linguas I know English, Spanish, and need to freshen up my French and want to learn Sign language too. So I’m excited to learn Italian. Anyways thats a little about me and can wait to learn more about you tutti.
    A presto!
    In forte abbraccio!

    • Ciao secretstudent6. Mi chiamo secretstudent14. I love travelling around the world, to meet new people, new culture, new customs. My next trip would be Italy, I plan to spend there about a month to see as much as I can. Raccontami della tua vacanza preferita. A presto.
      In forte abbracio!

      • Ciao secretstudent14. Stai bene? That’s why i love travelling even though i have travelled many places yet, I plan too! That’s a great idea a mesi is perfect amount of time. Io vacanza preferita was when I went to El Salvador all my family is there so it feels like home. Mi piace a lot i love the country and food. I love food haha. Il tuo piatto preferito? Also raccontami della tua vacanza preferita and how long were you there?
        In forte abbracio e a presto!

    • Ciao secretstudent6, buona sera! Come stai? Sono secretstudent17.
      You speak tantissimi languages. Io sono di un paese tropicale and I speak another latin language. Can you guess my paese? Which language è la tua preferita?

      A presto!
      un abbracio.


      • Ciao secretstudent17, sto molto benissimo. I know i speak tantissimi languages its crazy sometimes I will speak in one sentence three languages all flustered lol. But its okay I enjoy it! And sono going to say your paese is Brazil…. am I right? E la tua preferita is Spanish because its my like my home language. Even though English is my first language. Tell me ti piace viaggiare?
        Also I’d be lying if I didnt check your blog before to see where you were from haha.
        A presto e in forte abbracio!


  11. Ciao secretstudent2. Io sto secretstudent11. Sono bene. Congratulations on being in your questo and last semester at Seneca. Sorry to hear that you have only really seen photos of Canada. Il mio hobby preferito is also viaggiae. Hai fratelli? Io ho due fratelli.

  12. Ciao Secretstudent2, io sonno secretstudent4, io sto molto bene, grazie, come stai lei?, ti piace canadas wetaher? you been here for 2 years so you know how tough is Canadas winter, io also piace a giocare al calcio, Preferisci Messi or Cristiano?

    A presto!

  13. Ciao, come va? Mi chiamo secretstudent27. Sto studiando Transportations and Customs a Seneca College e this is my last semester. My birthday is in Febbraio. I have uno fratelo e una cane. However i plan on going back to school in september. I was born in Canada, e i am vent’anni. Mi piace cucinare, cuocere e andare in adventures con i miei amici. Ho lavorato in un ristorante per cinque anni. Quattro of those anni I worked in the kitchen as a assistant chef.

    Grazie for taking you time to read about me!

    Ci vediamo!

    • Ciao, secretstudent27! Mi chiamo secretstudent24! Non c’e male, e tu? Your birthday is coming up! Hai any plans to celebrate your birthday? I also like andare in adventures with my sorella! So, della tua vacanza preferita? I cant wait to hear it! Piacere di conoscerti!


      • Ciao secretstuden24, I sto molto bene, grazie mille! Si, my birthday is coming up, unfortunately, I do not have anything planned yet because of covid. La vacanza mia preferita e both Italy e Portugal. But, I would like to visit more places in Europe. E tu? Qual è la tua vacanza preferita?

        A dopo,

    • Ciao, secretstudent 27! Io sono secretstudent24! Non c’e male, e tu? Your birthday is coming up! Hai any plans on celebrating your birthday in Febbraio? I also like andando in avventure con mia sorella! So, della tua vacanza preferita? Cant wait to hear it! Piacere di conoscerti!


    • Buonasera secretstudent27, come stai? Mi chiamo secretstudent6 e sto molto bene. That amazing that your studiando transportation and customs, maybe one day we will see each other in the airport! What made you choose this program?Also happy almost compleanno, are you planning anything? That’s amazing being a assistant chef for 5 years. So qual è il tuo piatto preferito?
      A presto!
      Un forte abraccio,

  14. Ciao, mi chiamo secretstudent29. Piacere di conoscerti!

    Io sto a Graphic Design student currently in the 5th semester at Seneca College. Il mio compleanno è il uno di ottobre. Io was born and raised in Vietnam for diciannove years and have just come to Canada for uno year and a half, so it’s not too long ago. Sadly, after sei months of studying in Toronto, the Covid-19 pandemic came and io haven’t had enough chance to go exploring more about this country. My plan to go back to my home country last 2020 summer was cancelled and it has been a long time io didn’t see my parents so io miss them a lot. Io took the Italian language course by sudden but the more io learn it, the more interested io got. And io really love to travel, especially to Europe, so io hope after this course, if io sto happened to visit Italy, I’ll be able to speak in Italian in the general sense. Now, e lei? Can you tell me a little about your self?

    Con affetto,


    • Piacere secretstudent29! Come va? What do tu piace di più del tuo programma? Mi dispiace that you did not get to explore more of Toronto, hopefully one day you will return and get the chance. Dove hai viaggiato da qualche parte?

      Hope to hear back from you
      Ci vediamo!

    • Salve, secretstudent29! Io sono secretstudent24! It really sucks that you missed out on everything because of the pandemic. But, Ascoltate! Everything will be va bene and you will meet your famiglia presto! Anyways, raccontami about Toronto? Come do tu feel about it? Io can’t wait to hear it?

      Con affetto,

    • Piacere secretstudent29. Sono secretstudent11. Come stai? Sto bene. Even though lei have only been in Canada for uno year and a half I hope you are liking it. Io so sorry to hear that you could not see your family because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I want to visit Italy too! The food will be so delicious. Preferisci pasta o pizza? Io preferisco pizza.
      tanti saluti,

    • Ciao secretstudent29. Mi chiamo secretstudent14. I love travelling too. I have been to many European countries, but have never been to Italy. My dream to visit Italy, and I am in love with Italian food like spaghetti, pizza and so on. Qual è il tuo piatto preferito?

      A presto!

  15. Ciao, Io mi chiamo secretstudent30 (trenta). Io sto bene, come state vuoi? Piacere di conoscerti! Oggie e il ventuno di gennaio, 2021. Giovedi e my day off this semester. So studiano Accounting and Finance a Seneca College in mia seconda semester. Io am really enjoying it and very contenta to be taking an Italian language course. Tutti i miei nonni were born in italia and wish to take their nipoti on un viaggio a italia so I am hoping to learn the language and esplora about the country beforehand. Io a middle child of cinque bambini, born a Canada. I am a very lowkey person and enjoy spending my time with mia famiglia e I miei amiche. Io also piace fare sport, especially basketball.
    I can’t wait to get to know you as well 🙂
    A dopo!
    Secretstudent30 (trenta)

    • Ciao Secretstudent30, io sto molto bene grazie. Piacere! Giovedi is my day off as well for this semester. Da dove viene in Italia la tua famiglia? Dove in Italia vorresti visitare? Hai animali? Preferisci il cane o il gatto?
      Hope to hear from you soon!

      A dopo,

      • Salve, secretstudent30! Mi chiamo secretstudent24! Io sto benissimo! Grazie for asking! You seem to have a grande famiglia! Qual e il tuo piatto preferito? Hai animale? If not, preferisci il cane o il gatto?

        • Buonasera secretstudent24 (ventiquattro).
          Il mio piatto preferito e cannelloni e polpette, et tu do u have un piatto preferito?
          Si ho un cane.

          A dopo
          Secretstudent30 (trenta)

      • Ciao secretstudent27 (ventisette)!
        Il mia famiglia viene da Molise e Calabria. Io would like to visitare their hometown and get to know more about it there.
        Si ho un cane, e tu hai animali?

        A presto,
        secretstudent30 (trenta)

    • Ciao secretstudent30! Io mi chiamo secretstudent7 e io sto molto bene. Piacere! Io really like your program because you can learn very useful stuff for keeping and making money. My nonni were also italiani, so io understand your goal of travelling to Italia. Preferisci il food Italiano o Canadian?

      A dopo!

  16. Ciao mi chiamo secretstudent10. Come va? This term is my quattro semester of studying business, and now I’m halfway there. Io like viaggiare, but lo sto so sad that I cannot go anywhere because of Corona. I want to go to the places noi posted on our blog after this epidemic. Ti piace viaggiare? If so, where do voi want to go the most?

    Grazie for reading my blog
    A presto

    • Ciao Secretstudent10, sto bene, grazie. Your post is by far the most mysterious one haha. So, raccontami qualcosa sulla tua famiglia! Hai any fratelli e animali? In return I’ll answer your question: Voglio travel to Iceland, it’s by far the most bellissima place on earth I’ve seen! Comunque, hope to know more about you soon!

      Grazie e a presto!

    • Ciao secretstudent10, io sonno secret student 4, si mi piace viaggiare, and i wish to visit Switzerland, Last summer, i was gonna go there, but because of the corona, I had to cancelled it, I have couple questions for you.

      Ti piace cucinare?
      hai animali?

      A presto!

      I hope you can reply my questions.

    • Ciao Secretstudent10. Come stai? Sto molto bene. I can feel you, as I am also stuck because of Covid-19. I want to visit le belle citte di Italy. I already applied for UK and I will visit my famiglia there. After I get the passport I will apply for Italy too as one of my aunt lives there. I will pay her a visit and also explore Italy a little.

  17. Chio, mi chiamo secretstudent9, come stai? I’m in a business program in Seneca. I used to be a soprano when I was younger though. I did musica classica for sette years in la mia vita. I used to sing many Italian songs for that reason, so I really wanted to learn and study Italian. (I even love the song ‘Fratelli D’Italia’ which is the Italian anthem. This song is very exciting and amazing! Go check it out later!) I love to watch Netflix and Youtube when I have free time. I watch a movie a day if I have time for myself! Sometimes 2 or 3 movies a day haha One of my other hobbies is playing the piano and working out. I do yoga and pilates almost everyday. If you haven’t tried it yet, I would like to suggest you to try one day. They are wonderful esercizio. Lastly, I love walking. Taking a walk is the best way to relax myself and get rid of stress for me. While I take a walk, I usually talk on the phone with mia famiglia or amici. That was pretty much of myself. If you have any other questions, please let me know 🙂

    Un forte abbraccio

    • Ciao, secretstudent9. Molto bene grazie. E tu? What made voi move from classical music to business? lo sto curious because the due genres are not significantly related.

    • Ciao secrtstudent9, io sto molto bene, come ve? i like musica also. I played the clarinetto for a few years and also sang as well. Guardi shows in italiani di Netflix? There is this once show I watched chiamato Summertime. It is tuti in italiano and i recommend the show. Let me know what you think of the show.

      A dopo,

  18. Buonasera a tutti! Io sono secretstudent 40. Come stai tu? Sono contenta to be taking this Italiano course this semester! La mia famiglia e Italiana ma sadly my grandparents didn’t learn much of the language from their parents so the language has been lost nella mia famiglia. I come da una grande famiglia con due sisters’ e un brother, ma we also live con mia grandma and i miei parents. La nostra casa e always so loud and lively perche we have so many persone e many animali domestici. Io ho sei gatti e un cane. Quattro dei gatti sono always in casa but the other due gatti, we have come inside often as well as go outdoors. Preferisci cani o gatti? Io preferisco i gatti since they mostly rely on themselves. I miss miei gatti, the most even though they love to sit on my lavoro school and knock my things off my desk all the time. Hai famiglia o animali domestici che vivono con you currently? I am currently living in Canada as an international student so I don’t have all the noise around me anymore. I don’t want to give too much information about me on the first week so until next time.
    Ciao a presto!

    • Ciao, numero quaranta, mi chiamo secretstudent18! Wow la tua famiglia e molto grande, mama mia! I can already imagine how chaotic it is sometimes but I bet holidays are a blast. Comunque, I was wondering, if i tuoi grandparents non parl italiano, di dove sei? Can you tell me more about your home country?

      Grazie e a presto!

      • Salve secretsetudent18, piacere. Holidays are very fun especially because we invite la nostra famiglia extended and the party ranges va dalle cinquanta alle cento persone! I’m from the United States and my grandparents grew up there but their grandparents were who immigrated to the US. My grandparents know some Italian but not any conversational Italian so I wanted to revive the language nella mia famiglia by taking this course! Molto lieta, Secretstudent40

    • Ciao secretstudent40 (quaranta), io mi chiamo secretstudent30 (trenta). Io sto bene, grazie. Tu famiglia reminds me of il mia. Mia case is very loud as well. Io ho un cane, si preferisco il cane. Io really enjoy having un grande famiglia because on holidays or in times like now, such as lockdown, its always a blast. Io can personally say because theres so many of us, mia casa e the go to hangout place for extended famiglia e amiche, is it the same con te?

      A dopo,
      secretstudent30 (trenta)

      • Salve Secretstudent30, It is definitely the same for my family. Lockdown was nice to have una famiglia grande so it wasn’t so lonely ma most of us share rooms so we got fed up with eachother quick! Thats why having il cane e i gatti is so nice. Ma coming from una famiglia grande, Perferisci tanti amici oppure un piccolo gruppo di amici stretti? Ciao, Secretstudent40

  19. il venti di gennaio, 2021
    Ciao ! Come state tutti? Io mi chiamo secretstudent21. Piacere di conoscerti!
    Io sto bene. Sto studiando at Seneca College in tre semester. Io was born in India. e Io been here for uno year and sei mesi. Il mio compleanno è ventisette novembre. lo sono ventitre. Questa citta è molto bene. Mi viaggiata to Niagara Falls, Tobermory Islands, Flowerpot Islands the year I came to Canada. Last summer, due to Covid, I could only go for hiking. I recently viaggiata to India for my sister’s wedding and came back to Canada. I would suggest everyone to atleast attend uno Indian wedding in your lifetime. When I came back and choose my schedule for semester tre, I was sad we had to learn online and I would not be able to meet new peopl. On the other hand, I felt mio happy and excited that Seneca had Italian language so that is the reason why I chose this program because Io amo love Italia’s culture and beauty so Io volere learn this language e esplora more about the country through this learning journey. Moreover, I love Italian Food so i guess I will love the language and the country as well. This is also un opportunità to make new amici
    Hope I can hear about you soon. A presto!
    Ciao !!

    • Ciao, secretstudent21. Piacere molto! Your blog is very fascinating. Now I’m very wondering how is Indian wedding like. Can you raccontami more about it? E io also wonder which city in India you came from! Grazie.

      Un bacione,

      • Ciao secretstudent9. Piacere di conoscerti. grazie. oh Indian Weddings are colourful, grand, motlo bene food, bella outfits and lots of fun rituals like stealing groom’s shoes (normally done by bride’s sister), applying haldi (yellow paste) on the bride and groom before wedding (kind of a water fight but with a paste and your target is sitting on one place and cannot defend himself/herself) and lots and lots of dancing. I came from Ahmedabad city, Gujarat. My city has been accorded India’s first World Heritage City by UNESCO. I am so excited to see if you can recognise me.
        Un bacione,
        Secretstudent 21

    • Ciao secretstudent21 (ventuno), Io mi chiamo secretstudent30 (trenta). Io really enjoyed reading upon your blog, its absolutely amazing how much you have done. Io am also born a novembre.
      What is your cibo preferito to mangiare in italia.
      A presto,
      secretstudent30 (trenta)

      • Ciao secretstudent30 !!! ohh yayy our birthday just went then. Belated happy birthday. Well, I am a molto big foodie. I am vegetarian too. I love to eat pizza (who doesn’t, right? ), pasta and lasagna.
        A presto,
        Secretstudent 21

    • Ciao secretstudent due !!!I am from Ahmedabad, gujarat. My city has been accorded India’s first World Heritage City by UNESCO. My state also has World’s tallest statue – Statue of Unity and my city has World’s largest cricket stadium in the world and second largest stadium overall. Amo la mia citta.
      A presto !
      secretstudent 21

  20. Buongiorno, che c’e a tutti? Sto molto bene. Now, let me presento myself. Mi chiamo Secretstudent18 e questo e il quarto semester for me in Seneca. I’ve been in Canada longer than that though as I arrivato in this country in 2015. Since then I’ve not visit my home country once and now I’m starting to really miss it. I have un fratello who lives in Canada with me and he just had un bambino with his wife a few months ago!! Anyway, mi fa piacere that sto a part of this class and hope I can figure out your real identity soon! Until then, piacere e arrivederci.

    Tuo amico segreto,

    • Ciao, secretstudent18! Io sono secretstudent9. Come stai? I was wondering if you live with your fratello and his family. If so, I’m really jealous of you! I love babies so much. It would be very happy to be with un bambino, right? haha By the way, per favore raccontami about your hobbies so that I can get close to you.


      • Ciao Secretstudent9, it’s “Segreto-Studento-Diciotto” here! E si!!! I bambini sono adorabili no matter what they do! My hobbies are mainly related to fitness. Although I don’t go to the gym sei giorni a week, I really enjoy being able to enjoy the street on foot early morning on my jog or view from my gym late at night down at the empty roads. I guess that’s just an unusual way of clearing my mind,,


    • Ciao secretstudent18 (diciotto), io mi chiamo secretstudent30 (trenta). Io sto bene, grazie. Io find that really cool you are in Canada with tuo fratello, sorella-in law e now una nipote.
      Whats your home country, do you plan on visiting there soon?
      A presto,
      secretstudent30 (trenta)

  21. Buon giorno a tutti. Mi chiamo secret student 15. Io sto molto bene, e tu come va? Sto studiando Business Marketing a Seneca College in fourth semester. Ho diciannove anni. I’m from a tropicale country. My birthday is Settembre and una cosa that io amo molto is fashion and makeup. I love to viaggiare and cucinare. Io sto molto excited to be taking this course and I can’t wait to learn more Italian. Piacere di conoscerti

    Un forte abbraccio,
    Secret Student 15

    • Boun pomeriggio secretstudent 15 !!! lo sto bene. Piacer di conoscerti ! Mi amo viaggiare and fashion too. You love to cook and I love to eat. What a great start to a friendship 😝. Which languages do you speak? and what is la tua lingua preferita? cosa sei il tuo piatto preferito? I am so excited to guess who you are?
      A presto !!

    • Buon giorno, secretstudent15! Mi chiamo secretstudent9. Come stai? Raccontami about your favourite cibo. I love to cucinare, too. My favourite cibo is pasta especially oil based one! I’ll look forward to connect with you 🙂

      Con affetto,

    • Ciao, mi chiamo secretstudent10. Molto bene, grazie. lo sto also interested in fashion, to the point where Io want to do business in clothes later on! What style of clothes do voi like to wear?

      A presto

    • Buongiorno segreto studente 15, mi chiamo secretstudent18! Sto on my 4th semester too and also am from a tropical country. I wonder if stiamo from the same place! Can you raccontami del tuo country?

      Grazie e arrivederci!

    • Ciao secretstudent15, io sono secretstudent17, piacere di conoscerti. Come stai?

      I also love to viaggiare e cuccinare. La cuccina italiana is my favortite one. Raccontami, what is your favorite food? Do you like la pizza i la pasta?

      Un abbracio,
      Secret Student 17

  22. Ciao, mi chiamo Le presento about myself in this post. Try to indovinate me! sto studiate ECE tre semester in king campus. sto from India, but sto currently living in Canada. My birthday is on ventotto dicembre and my zodiac sign is Capricorn. I want to go on a world tour and sto nature loving person. sto working at Lowes Rona as an appliance specialist. I love the job. I am close to my parents and my sister.
    Non lo so uno thing that when will this COVID finish so that I can enjoy and have a world tour.
    A presto.

    • Buongiorno Secretstudent25, mi chiamo Secretstudent1, piacere!
      Io voglio viaggiare around the world as well e I would love conoscere l’India. Ti piace vivere qua in Canada? Raccontami piu del tuo lavoro, cosa fai?
      Io ho una sorella too! Hai altri fratelli?



      • Buon pomeriggio Secretstudent1, a presto! sì, I like living here in Canada. so no living here with my sister. Oh! so no appliance specialist at Lowes Rona, I love this job as I interact with different people and resolve their issues. I like helping people, so that’s why I am happy with my job.
        What about you? What is del tuo lavoro preferito?

        Piacere di conoscerti

    • Ciao, come stai? Io like viaggiare, too, but I can’t go anywhere until Corona is over. Io think it would be comforting to study Italian while thinking about the places voi posted on your blog. Io hope Corona ends soon.


    • Ciao Secretstudent25, come va? Che significa ECE? Non capisco the abbreviation. You say you want to go on a world tour, that sounds so fun! Does that have to do with your studi or just un sogno nel cassette? Where would you visit first on your world tour? I would love to go to Japan and even Italy! I love to travel and so does my family so I have been many places before but not enough I think. Also happy belated birthday! Ci vendiamo, Secretstudent40.

    • Salve secretstudent25, come stai? Mi chiamo secretstudent29 e io sto bene.
      Mi piace viaggiare too, there are so many places I want to visitare but I haven’t had a chance. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 came and it totally sucks, I wonder when will it finish because I really miss the normal life back in the day. I hope you can go on a world tour soon. I guess you’ve been to several places? Can you raccontami della tua vacanza preferita? And I’m glad to hear that you love your job. Raccontami del tuo lavoro preferito? I really want to hear it.
      Piacere di conoscerti!

      Con affetto,

  23. Ciao! Io sono secretstudent3 (tre), Io sto bene. Come state vuoi?
    Oggi I will raccontare a little bit about la mia vita. Ho venticinque anni and sono a preschool maestra. Also, I am in the BBS program in Seneca as an international alunna. I decided to learn Italiano because next year I want to travel to Italia with la mia famiglia. Besides, my first idioma is similar to Italiano, so it has been really fun and useful being in this classe. Le mie vacanze preferite sono natale and pasqua, I love Christmas! and my favorite stagione dell’anno is primavera. I have two cani and their names are Nina and Thea, but sadly they live with my sister back home, I miss them so much! How about you guys? Hai animali?

    Piacere di conoscerti,
    Un forte abbraccio!
    A presto!


    • Ciao, mi chiamo secretstudent25, sto benissimo, come va? I read your post and I am glad that you shared about your family and job. Oh! I can feel that you must be missing your cani. I miss my famiglia as they are backhome. Who is your favorite singer?
      I have ona dumanda that per favore you tell me about your preferito food. .
      A presto

      • Oggie è il 21 gennaio 2021

        Salve secretstudent25 veinticinque! Io sto molto bene, grazie! Presto, actually I like getting to know people by telling them a little bit about la mia vita. I do not have a preferito singer but I like artisti like Alicia Keys, Maroon 5 and Beyonce, li conosci? about food mi piace, tacos, pizza, lasagna, sushi and I love read meat, e tu?

        Con affetto,

    • Ciao Secretstudent3, sto molto bene, grazie! Seeing that you said your 2 lovely cani are back home lving with your sister, are you an internazionale studente? Anyway, to answer your question, io ho un cane! il suo nome è To. Hope I can “discover” more about you soon!


    • Salve secretstudent3! Io sono secretstudent24! Bene, grazie, e tu? Io non ho animali but Io really wish that Io have il cane. You are lucky you have due cane, may I have the other one? I’m kidding hehe. Come are you planning to do when you visit Italia? Can’t wait to hear it!


    • Ciao secretstudent3, mi chimao secretstudent29, piacere di conoscerti! Io sto bene, grazie for asking.
      Are you planning to go to Italy next year? I also want to viaggio to Italy with la mia famiglia. Ti piace viaggiare? Raccontami della tua vacanza preferita ? Are there any other countries that you’d want to visit?
      My most favourite season of the year is Fall when the temperature is neither too hot nor too chill. I also have uno cani back at home, it’s been a while since I saw them, so I somehow know how you feel. I hope you can see your cani soon.
      It’s really nice to get to know you. Ci vediamo dopo!

      Con affetto,

  24. Buonasera! Come state fellow classmates? Sto molto bene.

    Oggie e martedi, diciannove genniaio. Io mi chiamo secretstudent24. Io e la mia famiglia moved here in Canada last quattro years ago from the Philippines. Io sono currently studying Flights Services in Seneca and this is my semester due. Io wanted to expand my language capabilities so I could explore more countries specifically Italia, Switzerland and etc. Il mio compleanno e is way long ahead which is the month of dicembre. With that said, piacere di conoscerti! Can’t wait to get to know you, fellow secret students!

    Tanti Saluti,

    • Buonasera Secretstudent24, mi chiamo Secretstudent1 e sto bene! Studiando e lavorando molto oggi, diciannove genaio. Flight Services seems an awesome program! You must piace molto viaggiare, quali paesi conosci? Quali languages parli?

      Tanti saluti,


    • Salve secretstudent24! Mi chiamo secretstudent3, yes like numero tre. Can you believe it? I also moved to Canada due years ago, and it’s been quite challenging being without mia famiglia. I felt identified with you because I also want to explore more countries, and I think learning Italiano it’s a great start to be prepared for my next trips. Ti piace leggere? I love reading and my favorite book is The Diary of Anne Frank, which is your favorite libro?

      A presto!

    • Bunosera secretstudent 24, sto molto bene, come va?
      Oh the studiate you are doing seems interesting. So no capire that learning different languages for you is important. Let me ask you that quanti anni hai?
      I want to go on a world tour, so we can go together once you are done studying. As you are from Philippines, so what la tua lingua preferita?
      A presto

    • Ciao secret student 24, mi chiamo secret student 15. Your program seems to be very cool. Tell me more about it. And also, qual è il lavoro dei tuoi sogni? I’m looking forward to getting to know you more.
      A presto,
      Secret student 15

    • Ciao, secretstudent24! Io sono secretstudent9. Piacere di conoscerti. It is really interesting that you study flights services. How is it going? Is is fun for you? Raccontami del tuo lavoro preferito. And yes, it would be great if you learn Italian and visit there! I have been to Italy and Switzerland when I was young. It was very memorable and unforgettable. Hope you will have a lovely time there soon.


    • Buongiorno Secretstudent24! Sono bene, piacere. Flight services seems like such a fun lavoro! I love to travel so I thought about doing the same program ma I chose Fashion Arts instead. Io ho trovato it hard to think about living out dalla suitcase most of my days so I decided it was best to travel only for fun! I also have many friends that have families from the Philippines. I enjoy Filipino food and wish to try the authentic cuisine one day. Preferisci here in Canada or back in the Philippines? A presto, Secretstudent40.

    • Buonasera secretstudent 24. Sono secretstudent11. Sto abbastanza bene. Io also in semester due. Io think it is so cool that you are studying Flight Services. When io was younger I wanted to be a flight attendant. Viaggiare is so benissimo. Io can’t wait till it is safe for everyone to travel again. Qual è il tuo segno zodiacale? Il mia segno zodiacale is Pisces.

  25. Buonanotte

    ciao a tutti, Mi chiamo SecretStudent4, Piacere di conoscerti.

    io sto abbastanza bene, i Hope loro stanno molto bene!

    io sto studying Computer Networking and Technical support, I was born in a country that is too hot most of the times
    I decided to take Italian course because since I was a kid I love Calcio, back then I was a supporter of the Milan team
    I did not know, che significa “Calcio” till now, I am so excited because I will know more about this country, besides
    I hope to learn as much italian as I can.

    I am so excited to know more about you secretStudents.

    A presto!

    • Buonasera Secretstudent4, mi chamo Secretstudent1 e sto bene! I also come from un paese that is very hot most of the times, io amo molto! Ti piace il cold weather of Canada?
      I also like calcio, it is very popular in my home country, Brasile! Do you know any brasiliano teams?
      Con affetto,


      • Ciao Secret student1, I like Canada’s weather, but it was molto hard at the beginning, Molto lieto to know someone who like calcio as me, yeah I know few brasiliano teams, santos do brasil, Gremio, corinthians, and some other, grazie for asking.

    • Buona notte secretstudent4! Mi chiamo secretstudenttre3, and sto così così, e tu? Piacere! I also like sports, I don’t like Calcio but where I am from is really popular, but when I was a bambina I practiced ginnastica for sei years, and I remember I used to dream about going to the olympic games. I am also really eccitata to know more students and their hobbies. What do you like to do in your free time? Ti piace cucinare? Ti piace leggere?

      Tanti saluti!


      • ciao secretstudent3, io sto molto bene, grazie

        In my free time, I like to play videogames, and I like leggare also, but I have read books in my language, not in English. And io piacere cucinare but i dont know to make much things.

        A presto!

    • Ciao, mi chiamo secretstudent25, come va? I read your post and I think so you are a energetic person. To trovate that who are you, ona dumanda, that quanti anni hai? As you mentioned that you live in a hot country and you said you like calcio, let me indovinate! Are you from Brazil.
      What la tua lingua preferita?
      A presto!

      • Ciao secretstudent25, Io sto molto bene, come stai lei?

        No, io non sonno from brazil, but I hope to visit brazil soon, My lingua preferita is
        English, but is not my native language.

        A presto!

    • Ciao, Mi chiamo secretstudent10. Piacere! Io found it interesting that voi were a supporter of the Milan team. Can voi explain how voi met Calcio when you were young?

    • Salve Secretstudent4, come stai tu? Back home it is so hot so I know what it’s like! I go home during the summer so I spend quattro months boiling! Io non ho watched soccer so I never knew it was so popular until ho visitato la Spagna. E stato during la serie di coppa del mondo! Le persone everywhere were cheering and wearing jerseys, it was crazy! I did see a lot of jerseys that say Messi so I guess he is a pretty popular player, I’m not familiar with what team he plays for. Do you know the player Messi? I would say even though people were very wild about the games that were on, it was fun to see the locals enjoying un rulolo importante nella cultura! A presto e arrivederci, Secretstudent40!

      • ciao secret student40, io sto molto benne,

        so, nio know how hot country what’s like. Yeah In my home country, calcio is very popular, Yeah of course I know Messi, I am big fan of him,

        A presto
        Arrivederci !

    • Ciao secretstudent4. Mi chiamo secretstudent29 e io sto molto bene.
      I also come from a country that is hot most of the time, Vietnam. We still have winter there but it’s quite short, just for about 1 month. Where are you from? How is your thought about Canada in general and the winter here in particular? Luckily it isn’t too extreme for me to be honest, I thought it could be even worse.
      And in my nazione, people really enjoy calcio as well, or I should say Vietnamita is crazy for it. When we got place uno in the Asian Cup, people were overrunning over the country, cheering hard and filling the streets with the national flag. It was a no-sleeping day because the happiness took over everything.
      I’m also excited to explore more about Canada, but because of the Covid situation, it’s hard for me to go outside these days. I hope this pandemic will end soon. Don’t you think so?
      And besides, raccontami qual è la tua cantante preferita?
      Piacere di conoscerti e a presto!

      Tanti saluti,

  26. Ciao!! Mi chiamo secretstudent1 e tu, come ti chiami? Come va? Piacere!
    Oggi è lunedi, diciotto gennaio and I will raccontare a little bit about myself. Io sono brasiliana e after graduating in veterinaria, I came to Canada to studiare Biotechnology a Seneca College. This is my last term (finally). Ho ventotto ani e il mio compleanno è il primo d’aprile. Ho una twin sorella and an older fratello. Amo molto gli animali in general but io sono crazy about cavalli.. si, I used to ride and compete when I was younger. E tu, have you ridden a cavallo before? Hai animali?
    Con affetto,


    • Ciao secretstudent1! Mi chiamo secretstudent3, and sono from a Latin nazione. Sto bene, e tu? Piacere di conoscerti! I came to Canada to studiare Business because I want to open my own scuola in the nazione where I am from. I am a preeschool insegnante and I love my job! I also love cavalli, when I was younger I used to have a ranch near my city where my famiglia had cavalli. I have two cani, their names are Nina and Thea and I just love them! Ti piace viaggiare? Which country would you like to visit?

      Tanti saluti,

      Secretstudent3 (tre)

      • Ciao Secretstudent3, il piacere è mio! Ti piace vivere qua, in Canada? Di dove sei? Quali lingue parli?
        Io sono molto excited that you also piace il cavalli, non sono incredibili animali?
        Io tuo sogni of opening tua scuola in your home country is maraviglioso, buona idea!
        Mi piace molto viaggiare e voglio conoscere molti paese e posti.. e tu, quali paese voglia conoscere?


    • Ciao secret student 1, mi chiamo secret student 15. Io sto molto bene, grazie. Your program seems to be very exciting, tell me more about it. Io has never ridden a cavallo before, I think they are very cute but I’m scared to ride them. Raccontami della tua vacanza preferita. And also ti piace cucinare?
      I’m excited to learn more about you.
      Tanti Saluti,
      Secret student 15

      • Salve Secretstudent15, il piacere è mio.
        My program is very interesting and hard.. ma io amo molto! Io studio the techniques to manipulate live organisms.
        Cavalli sono molto gentili and sensitive animalli, if you respect them, they will be nice to you. Hai animalli?
        Mia vacanza preferita was to Fernando de Noronha, in Brasile. Molto bella island! A true paradise.
        Non mi piace cucinare, e tu?

        Tanti saluti,


    • Ciao, mi chiamo secretstudent10. Molto bene. E tu? Piacere! Did you learn veterinary because voi love animals? Io rode horseback riding a lot when Io was young, and it was enjoyable. And I like animals, but I don’t have any pet for now because of my busy daily life.

      Buona notte

    • ciao secretstudent1, io mi chiamo secretstudent4, piacere di conocerti,
      oggi is not lunedi for me, but I hope this is not late reply, oggi e venerdi, I have never been in brazil, but I wish to go there, io non ridden a cavallo before, but it will be great!

      I have a question for you, ti piace leggere? qual e il tuo piatto preferito?


    • Salve secretstudent1, come va? Io sono molto bene. Piacere di conoscerti!
      So lei sta brasiliana! I’ve always wanted to travel to many countries and Brazil is one on my list, I really hope I can visit it soon. Can you raccontami some places to go in Brazil? And by the way, io sono Vietnam, do you know it? It’s a pretty small country in Asia. Ti piace viaggiare? Vietnam is quite interesting to visit, I can recommend you some places if you want.
      I’m currently live with uno roommate, and lei sta studiando Biotechnology at Seneca as well, but lei sta just in her 4th semester right now, lei still got duo to go, and lei wish to finish it as soon as possible.
      I love animali too, cavalli is so cool, I’ve always wanted to ride it, it’s pretty hard for me to have a cavalli in my place. Instead, I have un cane, and I love her so much. Ti piace i cani?
      Tanti saluti,

  27. Oggi è diciotto gennaio.

    Ciao! Piacere. Mi chiamo secretstudent11, e tu?. Come va? Sono così così. Sto studiando Computer Programming at Seneca College, and this is my second semester. I was born in Canada. Io sto venticinque years old. My birthday is in marzo. In my family I have due brothers and uno dog. I am returning to school again after a couple years of working. Io sto excited to learn Italian for the first time at Seneca.
    Grazie for reading my blog post.
    Ci vediamo!

    • Buonasera secretstudent11, mi chiamo secretstudent1. Sto molto bene, grazie! Piacere di conoscerti.
      Raccontami more about your lavoro before coming back to school, was it related to Computer Programming?
      Ti piace viaggiare? Have you been to Italia? Why learn Italiano?
      Tanti saluti,


    • Salve secretstudent11! Molto lieta. Io sono secretstudent3 and sto molto bene, e tu? For me this is my last semester at Seneca as an international alunna, and I am in the BBS program. I am also venticinque years old, and my birthday is in Settembre. I have only una sorella and her name is Karen, and she is sei years older than me. Raccontami del tuo film preferito, one of my favorite films is The Hateful Eight, lo conosci?

      Ciao, ci vediamo!

    • Ciao secret student 11, mi chiamo secret student 15 and io sto molto bene, grazie.
      I want to know more about you, ti piace viaggiare? And if yes tell me a place you really want to conoscere? Also, tell me more about your program, I really want to learn about it.

    • Buon pomergiggo secretstudent11, come sta, so no molto bene. So, how do you feel after returning to school with a gap of due years. Oh! you have a dog, I love dogs. Do you work now? What is del tuo lavoro preferito?

      Piacere di conosceti

    • Buon giorno, secretstudent11! Piacere, io sono secretstudent9. Raccontami about your fratelli. What are they like? Are they older or younger? And what is your dog’s nome and sesso? I’ll wait for your reply 🙂 Grazie!


    • Ciao, secretstudent11! Mi chiamo student24! Io molto bene, grazie for asking! It must be a big change from working to studying! Come change your mind? Raccontami del tuo lavoro? And same, Io sto excited to learn Italian! Sono lieto di conoscerti! A domani!


    • Buonasera secretstudent11, mi chiamo secretstudent29. Io sto molto bene, grazie.

      Raccontami how do you feel when you get back to studiare after a long time like that? I was having a gap year as well, and I was kind of a bit overwhelmed on the first few weeks when the first semestre started and surprisingly io sono in semestre cinque right now already. Time flies faster than I imagined. E come stai studiando in Computer Programming? I was about to studiare that program too, but I changed in the last minute so I wonder about your esperienza with it.



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